
And so it is, the neverwhere of the day after Boxing Day. That day when you know you really should start doing some real work, but you can’t, either because you’re too full of Christmas cheer, or recovering from being poisoned by dodgy German-Chinese food.

So I figured I’d do some more PHP/web stuff, and that seems to be the kind of thing people on this site write about, so its somewhat fortuitous (Ian loves that word) that Matt (the other one) introduced me to this site.

The project is to allow feedback on images/vides posted on my image management site, fire-flash. Fireflash the site does exist, but it doesn’t work, so don’t go there. The PHP backend however has been fixed and put to good use on www.boston4bhopal.org, in a fairly generic way. I’m preparing it (using the aforementioned site as a testbed, bad, I know, especially for someone who co-owns a server…) for use on www.youareherenews.org, a site that might look like its using some sort of automagic video-adding system, but isn’t, its all static apart from the video player. The video player, will in turn make it into the main fireflash code. Eventually then, I will have something entirely generic that can be dropped into any site anywhere, by which time someone or some group of people will have done something 10 times better, but such is life. A conversation I had with someone about a year ago made me think this might still be worth doing, so I’ve been slowly persevering ever since. And as they say, there’s only one way to learn…